
Craig Blewitt

Associate Director

Practice Correctional Sector Lead

I love the complexity of correctional architecture and the challenge of designing therapeutic environments that promote rehabilitation. As a correctional architect, you have a heavy responsibility and an incredible opportunity to create real and lasting change in the community by designing facilities that deinstitutionalise and normalise the prison experience, preparing prisoners for reintegration back into the community upon release.

Craig Blewitt is an Associate Director and our National Correctional Lead. He is a highly experienced correctional architect who has helped design some of Australia's most forward-thinking, rehabilitation-focused correctional facilities. He is currently leading the delivery of the landmark $816m Lockyer Valley Correctional Centre expansion, which includes a new 1,536-bed high security facility.


Determined to create real and lasting change in the community, Craig is passionate about utilising co-design in correctional design and creating facilities that deinstitutionalise and normalise the prison experience to better prepare prisoners for reintegration back into society.

Understanding the importance of streamlined processes and the impact prison environments have on the health and wellbeing of staff, Craig also takes an operationally led design approach, creating environments that facilitate the most ideal way of working, ensuring greater safety, efficiency, and productivity for workers.


Associate Director

Associate Director
Practice Corrections Sector Lead




Institute of Architects